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Dribbble - Redesigning Schedule System

‘Everything is perfect and there is always room for improvement.’ – Shunryu Suzuki

The Story

Dribbble, a great place to find inspiration for all kinds of design work, has always been my favourite site for finding design inspiration and I believe this is true for most of the creative designers.

As a creative designer, I like to challenge myself on a regular basis. So, I love to produce lots of new designs almost everyday. Whenever I find a specific problem, I along with my team try to find a proper solution to the problem. And after making the final design (Generated from our solution) we always love to showcase them on Dribbble.

Since we work as a team, we produce many designs almost everyday and upload them on Dribbble. Sometimes we get so many designs that we can’t upload them on a single day. So, we have to schedule them for the upcoming dates to come.

Being a big agency, we have to consider proper uploading timing of our Dribbble shots as we have a segmented client base. So, when we schedule our shots, we don’t want to get confused by the fact which design is going to be uploaded when. Here comes the issue. I mentioned earlier that as a designer I find Dribbble as such a site which we like to visit everyday. My experience with Dribbble had always been positive, until I began to write this story for the Dribbble scheduling feature for upcoming shots.

At first, when we had few shots we didn’t care much about the timing. But, it started getting a little complex when we started producing almost 5+ designs each day. We have our own set of client bases which are not from our country. So, when we upload our shots we keep the timing of our client’s countries’ time in mind. But the actual problem arises when we want to view them (Which design will be uploaded when).

Redesigning Dribbble Schedule System

Watching this Dribbble portion you may think that I must be mad as the schedule of each shot is clearly visible under all shots. But I request you to think a bit deeply. Like what if you want to watch the timezone different from yours. You all may have different client bases who may not be from your country and you may want to set a different time set based on their countries. Setting a different time is not a very big deal as the time of the whole world is at our hand. Anyone can set a different time by watching from the internet. But it is a real hassle to jump on to Google or a smartphone to check the time of different countries.

So, the actual problem lies in this timezone & grid view. This grid view shows the timezone of a single country. Here is no option of switching the timezone. And if someone schedules lots of shots (For example, let’s say 100+), he/she will have to scroll a lot to see all the upcoming shots. However, all these were just my assumptions. So, I thought of taking insight from other Dribbblers so that I can get more insight about the problem.

Dribbblers’ Insight

To get the proper idea, we conducted a user research. In the user research we questioned our familiar Dribbblers (We questioned 12 dribbblers) about the issue. And 9 of them told us that they face issues with time while checking the scheduled shots.


After considering the user feedback from the survey and the pain points I’d noted, I identified a few problem statements that I could work on. These are the objectives of this case study.

Redesigned Solution

Dribbble is already a great platform. From the side of usability, Dribbble is a super site. Bringing any massive change to Dribbble would be a crime. So, we are happy with the solution that Dribbble already has. However, we believe it would be a great wonder if Dribbble works on the time and view mode of upcoming scheduled shots. So, we have come up with our redesigned solution here. At first, let’s see the existing design then jump into the redesigned solutions.

Current solution

Redesigning Dribbble

In the current or existing solution we can’t see the different time zones of other countries and we have to scroll more to load more shots.

Redesigned Solution

We’ve made three types of views for our redesign. One is day view, another one is week view and the other one is month view. All of the three views are shown here in grid mode & calendar mode.

Day View (Grid Mode)

Redesigning Dribbble Schedule System

Day View (Calendar Mode)

Redesigning Dribbble Schedule System

Look at the red box, the day view is visible there. And look at the underlined time also as in which time zone the shots will be uploaded is also mentioned here.

Week View (Grid Mode)

Redesigning Dribbble Schedule System

Week View (Calendar Mode)

Redesigning Dribbble Schedule System

Here goes the week view. Along with different time set, weekly uploadable shots will be shown here.

Month View (Grid Mode)

Redesigning Dribbble

Month View (Calendar Mode)

Redesigning Dribbble Schedule System

All scheduled shots of a month will be seen in the monthly view.

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