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Zypto - How we made a user-friendly platform for savvy crypto users

In recent years, cryptocurrency has become a global phenomenon. First, we had the digital wallet hysterias, then the cryptocurrency fever and now we have crypto-exchanges to legitimize this new form of digital currency! On the other hand, ordinary people are unable to understand and navigate crypto interfaces that are developed in a complicated way. Zypto has come up with a solution where users can easily manage their crypto.

What brought the client to us?

Mr. John from the United States was looking for an agency that could successfully meet his needs, and he was fortunate enough to find us. He wanted to create a crypto trading platform where users can easily exchange their coins and see the market capitalization and portfolio worth of their holdings.

We asked him if he had more information regarding his needs. Unfortunately, his answer was “No.” By the way, we accepted the challenge and started working on this project.

Challenges we faced

Working in the crypto industry is always a big deal. It’s not like any other project we’ve done in the past. In this industry, people use complicated applications where the statistics are shown in a complex way, and there is a lot of information. It is really hard to simplify the process.

Crafting a solution

After a long discussion with the client, we took on the project. At first, we, the team creatibuzz, wanted to understand our users. because this type of application has many different types of users. With the focus in mind, we took some interviews and made three user personas to get an idea of what our users want.

After that, we moved on to the ideation phase and followed the SCAMPER method to learn about our competitors. We made a competitor analysis report that shows the strengths and weaknesses of these existing platforms. Then we made the feature list for our application. When we were done with the research and ideation phases, we created some user flows and user journeys.

Design Phase

We started with the sketch in the initial step of the design phase.

Sketching & Wireframing

cryptocurrency dashboard sketch

Sketching is an essential part of the design process. The goal of sketching is to find the best solution to a problem. Before wireframing, we always do sketches since sketching always helps us to find out a variety of ideas and iterate on them before settling on one.

So, before jumping to the wireframing segment we made the initial sketch of Zypto and then we did the usability testing of the sketch version of Zypto. We found some areas where some improvements were needed. Correcting those areas we then started the final design.

The Final Design

Here goes the final design. We have put our best effort to implement the plans of showing Zypto’s features & user flow in an efficient way. Like you can see all the important actions that the users want to do are in the quick action segment. Besides, the users will be able to convert the crypto’s rate from one to another very easily. Moreover, the portfolio value & market capital are presented in such a way that all will understand it very simply.

Cryptocurrency dashboard design

The Business Perspective of ZYPTO

Zypto, right now, is in the development phase. According to our client’s business analyst Zypto is going to be a super sensation for its simple navigation and easy to understand features.

We too believe that any product that is simple to use and easy to remember will definitely attain success.

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